Cast unlimited online videos, movies, tv shows, online learning sessions, etc.Cast unlimited personal photos, videos and music.
We will try to add support for your video as soon as possible! Premium features: Upgrade to unlock all the features below! Future features are included, so you do not have to pay for them when they are released in an updated app version: If that doesn’t help, please email instead of leaving a negative comment on the App Store.

Multiscreen playback: simultaneous streaming of different media files to different screens at the same time.Stream camera recorded videos even in 4K!.Integrated player with playlist support, auto-play, shuffle and repeat functions for a complete music listening experience.mp3 files) from your phone on your TV or home cinema or DLNA players Listen to all your music (iTunes purchased or.Supports all the major video streaming file formats, like mp4, ts, HLS, m3u8, etc.Browse the web and stream any online web video, movie, lives events or live TV show.Browse and stream your favourite photos and watch them in a slideshow with timer settings.Easy to use: just browse, pick your media and then stream all your movies, music, videos and photos.Just navigate to website, find the video you want to play and press the play button! That’s it! The app will detect your TV and send the video on the big screen! Features: With AllShare Video TV Cast you can browse the web and stream any online video on your Smart TV.